Zero Degrees Latitude

Reflections from a Community Health Volunteer in Peace Corps Ecuador.


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  • Vegetarian Eats in Ecuador

    Food is the edible tie that bonds us. It’s a tool for building social connection, the crux of cultural traditions around the world and the fuel we use to sustain our bodies on a daily basis. Beyond its cultural and biological function, our tastes and demand for food drive an array of agricultural, animal farming … Continue reading Vegetarian Eats in Ecuador

  • Quemando el Viejo

    The knee jerk reaction to New Year’s is reflection. It’s a time to remember the best, let go of the worst and look forward to what’s in store for the upcoming year. In Ecuador, celebrating New Year’s literally involves quemando el viejo (burning the previous year) to usher in the new. How you might ask? … Continue reading Quemando el Viejo

  • International Day of Persons with Disability

    Two days late? Yes. But nevertheless today’s post is dedicated to recognizing International Day of Persons with Disability (IDPD). IDPD was established by the United Nations in 1992 in an effort to increase awareness, mobilize support, and deepen understanding regarding disability issues. This year’s theme is transformation towards a sustainable and resilient society for all. … Continue reading International Day of Persons with Disability

  • Making Numbers Sexy

    The past week and a half has been dedicated to Reconnect, a mandatory conference giving all of the PCVs from my Omnibus the chance to regroup after having spent three months at site. Week one was packed with training, processing, and time to get reacquainted with one another. Week two kicked off with the infamous … Continue reading Making Numbers Sexy

  • The Origins of Chifa

    Curiosity leaves me with some itches I just have to scratch. When it comes to people and social phenomenons, often times knowing “what” just isn’t enough– the “how” and “why” need answering too. At its best, this trait helps me to get to the bottom, or at least gain a better understanding, of unanswered questions; … Continue reading The Origins of Chifa

  • Staying Connected While Abroad

    When it rains it pours. In a literal sense this is true as the Sierra’s winter season begins in Ecuador. For the past few days, every day around 5 o’clock a clique of grey clouds dutifully congregates over Checa. Some days their presence is just a tease that puts your afternoon plans in limbo. On … Continue reading Staying Connected While Abroad

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